Thursday, October 14, 2010


Montrell Bledsoe block 3-communication                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MASS COMUNICATION-Types of Mass Communication. print media
meaning, newspapers, magazines, anything that is released on the market under the form of paper. Even if it`s said that the electronic media has replaced the printed media, there are a lot of people that prefer this way. The electronic media includes television and radio. The internet includes, blogging BROCAST MEDIA
, messaging, mails, websites, internet tv etc. radio
and internet any kind of information, either good or bad. We have everything we want to know, if we want to know about what are the lions from jungle doing, we can easily find out. The idea is that television is not for everyone, some tv shows are not good for children, just as accessing the internet on different sites is not appropriate for a child.                                                                               GRAPHIC COMUNICATION-TYPES-Information Analyses; Reports - Evaluative; Speeches/Meeting Papers Abstract:
A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.This paper presents a framework for understanding the various roles and structures for computer graphics in group communication, and discusses three basic types of design decisions that need to be addressed in using such graphics systems (Author/LLS) JOUNALISM

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